Plan your own funeral so your loved ones don’t have to.

Why plan your funeral

Live your life with no regrets. Your funeral service should be exactly the way you want to be remembered. My Fantastic Funeral gives you the chance to say farewell with your own unique personality and touch. Don’t leave all the responsibility, stress and the guessing to someone else.


Relieve burden on loved ones

Times of stress like death can produce a tremendous deal of strain and conflict among families and those left behind. There's nothing worse than losing a loved one and having no idea what they wanted for their funeral. Planning ahead of time helps to alleviate the load.


Ensure your wishes are honored

Make sure you are remembered precisely how you wish by using our simple planning tools. Let us begin with the funeral. What songs would you like to hear? Do you have any favourite photos you'd like displayed? Do you want any poems or letters read? Where do you want your wake/afterparty? Your funeral should reflect your desires.


Save precious time and money

According to studies, when a loved one dies, the survivors desire to spend more money on the funeral than the loved one would have wanted. Planning ahead of time can save you money. And when you are healthy and well, it is an excellent time to plan.


Help a loved one plan their funeral

We've simplified the planning process so that you can do it as a family. Many members have informed us that it was a joyous and memorable event. Assisting a parent or loved one in developing their plan can provide you with both enduring memories and peace of mind.

How does it work?



We’ll guide you through creating a plan with simple questions along with a little inspiration and help along the way.

Our 5 step process comprehensively captures all the details needed to create your perfect funeral.



Capture your journey with details, memories and images. 

Make up your own memorial. 

Send letters to your family and friends.



Share your journey and plan with your loved ones so that your wishes may be carried out. 

Invite them to assist you in developing your strategy or contributing to your story.

We understand how important it is for someone to plan a funeral for a loved one. We often miss out the small but important detail of that loved one and their wishes due to the stress we encounter after they have departed from us.

What if we can make it any easier on the ones that we love?

What if we can have all the details and how we wish to be remembered on the day they celebrate our life?

What if we had a place to record all our thoughts and words of our loved ones?

MY FANTASTIC FUNERAL is designed for you to record all your details, your journey and your thoughts in one space. It also allows you to choose levels of access you wish to give your loved ones so they get to be a part of this process too. This will be an experience that is easy and inspiring. Take a moment to record your journey of life so you can be remembered & celebrated for you!

We understand how important it is for someone to plan a funeral for a loved one. We often miss out the small but important detail of that loved one and their wishes due to the stress we encounter after they have departed from us.

What if we can make it any easier on the ones that we love?

What if we can have all the details and how we wish to be remembered on the day they celebrate our life?

What if we had a place to record all our thoughts and words of our loved ones?

MY FANTASTIC FUNERAL is designed for you to record all your details, your journey and your thoughts in one space. It also allows you to choose levels of access you wish to give your loved ones so they get to be a part of this process too. This will be an experience that is easy and inspiring. Take a moment to record your journey of life so you can be remembered & celebrated for you!

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